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GCCA Tribute Ceremony to former GCCA President and Progressive Dinner Chair, Mary Allegra

GCCA Tribute Ceremony to Mary Allegra, former President and Chair of the Progressive Dinner

Saturday, October 23, 2021, 1 PM

4603 Cedar Avenue, front yard and porch.

Live and on Zoom!

Refreshments to follow!

Zoom link forthcoming in future email.

Unveiling of a Little Free Library and a solar lamppost

(Funds for these came from a private source, separate from GCCA funds)

A Little Free Library because Mary was an avid reader and liked to share her books.

A solar lamppost because she was a "light to the neighborhood".

The Little Free Library was specially designed by her husband, Frank. It's made to look like a Georgian-style home that Jane Austen might have lived in. Mary admired the pioneer female author Austen. Mary's actual library also contains a huge science fiction and fantasy collection, many written by female authors.

Call Frank, (215) 519 9350, for more information.


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