November 10 GCCA Zoning Meeting
Garden Court Community Association has a regularly scheduled Zoning and Development Committee meeting at 8pm on Wednesday, November 10th. We are still meeting virtually, via Zoom; log-in detail are at the bottom of this post.
Meeting Agenda:
1. Zoning cases: None, but one update
2. Report: any status updates for ongoing projects of significance
3. Report: October Garden Court real estate activity - permits issued, home sales, and apartment rentals
Public Comment
Committee Working Session (closed)
Next Meeting: December 8th
1. Zoning cases: none, but one update
Last month, the committee heard a variance case for a proposed parking lot at the Terrace Apartments at 4931-4959 Spruce Street, on the portion of the property front on on 50th Street. Both public (0-8) and committee (0-13) polls on the project resulted in unanimous opposition. The committee sent a letter to the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) summarizing the meeting and explaining the committee's opposition to a variance the letter is linked below.
The project was on the ZBA's October agenda, but was granted a continuance because the applicant had failed to submit required material in time for the meeting. The case is expected to be heard at the ZBA's January or February meeting.
2. Significant project updates
GCCA zoning is trying to keep tabs on some of the larger scale developments underway in the neighborhood so that we provide our community with neutral, fact-based information about what's happening. From time to time, we may invite developers to provide a community update and answer questions.
(25 apartments via adaptive re-use of the Good Shepherd Community Church building and erection of a new building on site)