Volunteer at the Philadelphia Flower Show, June 11-19

The PHS Philadelphia Flower Show is an annual celebration of beauty, joy, and all things horticulture!

Chosen to showcase how the beauty in nature restores all of us, the 2022 theme — “In Full Bloom” — welcomes Flower Show guests on a journey to explore the restorative and healing power of nature and plants. The theme promotes good health, positive well-being, and a passion for life that culminates in a gorgeous and colorful spectacle.

The Flower Show will be at FDR Park in South Philadelphia again this year from June 11th-19th. PHS is very excited to promote our amazing volunteer opportunities for the 2022 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show.

Here are the job descriptions of the positions we currently have the most slots available:

  • Welcome Team: These volunteers play a critical role in helping guests as they arrive at the Show: welcoming guests and providing information as they arrive at parking lots, by foot, or by shuttle. We have MANY shifts available, so whether you are a morning, afternoon, or late afternoon person, please consider signing up for multiple shifts.

  • Access Ambassadors: Continuing our partnership with Art-Reach, Access Ambassadors ensure guests with disabilities can safely navigate the Show, are made aware of alternate entrance locations for exhibits, and can be directed to quieter spaces.

  • Artisan Row: A brand new area where there are four Artisans that are each experts of a different craft. The four different crafts are a Floral Crown, Candle, Botanical Jewelry, or a Fresh Flower Bouquet. Volunteers will assist these Artisan’s to help guests make the crafts for then the guest to purchase after. The starting and ending shifts of this position will also help to set up or clean up.

  • Receptacle Ambassador: To support the Philadelphia Flower Show's commitment to sustainability and waste diversion, volunteers will be responsible for educating guests on waste diversion by helping them to properly sort through waste materials and dispose of them accordingly.

Please go to https://phsonline.org/volunteer/for-individuals or reach out to volunteer@pennhort.org to get more information and to get your group signed up!