GCCA Tribute Ceremony to former GCCA President and Progressive Dinner Chair, Mary Allegra

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

GCCA Tribute Ceremony to Mary Allegra, former President and Chair of the Progressive Dinner

Saturday, October 23, 2021, 1 PM

4603 Cedar Avenue, front yard and porch.

Live and on Zoom!

Refreshments to follow!

Zoom link forthcoming in future email.

Unveiling of a Little Free Library and a solar lamppost

(Funds for these came from a private source, separate from GCCA funds)

A Little Free Library because Mary was an avid reader and liked to share her books.

A solar lamppost because she was a "light to the neighborhood".

The Little Free Library was specially designed by her husband, Frank. It's made to look like a Georgian-style home that Jane Austen might have lived in. Mary admired the pioneer female author Austen. Mary's actual library also contains a huge science fiction and fantasy collection, many written by female authors.

Call Frank, (215) 519 9350, for more information.